Rei's Home Page
Est. Feb. 1994
Available in this homepage: random artwork, random
documents on random fun info (such as Anime), a random game
("The CyberMUD"), and lots of random links!!
By the way, my Thank You section has moved to
the end of this page. And now you can trivially send me comments.
MIT Hack Gallery. Everything from the CP Car on the Dome to the
Bat in Lobby 7.
T-SHIRTS!! Limited supplies. Email me! Stats: Shirts Sold: 26
L, 40 XL (I admit I lost count a while ago).
Just how buried are the SIPB webmasters today? Oh, now we have some stats.
Rei's Online Art:
(Most GIFs made with SuperPaint 3.5 on a
Mac, Graphic Converter to go from PICT to GIF format; fancier ones made with
FractalDesign Painter)
I have a
studio at
Art on the Net.
There's icons in my free icon
collection.... Other stuff includes: Ryu-no-Ko
(GIF), ForseII (XBM
bitmap), a random manga
'fighter' (GIF), and a random simple
stereogram (GIF). Outbound!
(GIF). Now added this
character posing here and here again
(one of my characters from a work in progress)....
Horse A rearing horse. 'Nuff said. (xbm converted to GIF)
Respite A nice day to sit under a tree with your dragon pal. (xbm converted to GIF)
Dragon Armed and dangerous. (xbm converted to GIF)
Fantasy Makes me want to have mint breathsavers, or something. (xbm converted to GIF)
QuarterII He's just a guy.... (xbm converted to GIF)
Kurama and Hiei (GIF). Toshihiro Togashi's characters, from Yu Yu Hakusho.
Ryoga (GIF) Rumiko Takahashi's Ryoga, from the series Ranma 1/2.
Oscar (GIF) from The Rose of Versailles by Riyoko Ikeda.
Locke (GIF) from Chojin Locke by Hijiri Yuki.
Scenery (GIF) Random scenery.
Pancake (GIF) Random ad.
Some random face (GIF) (manga-style, of course).
SIPB GIFs Stuff you see on the SIPB server.
More SIPB GIFs See above.
YET more SIPB (and non-SIPB) GIFs
Another page devoted to GIFs
Quick sketch of pet birds. My pet birds, in particular.
My stupid (extra-dark) self-portrait GIF.
Photos! Photos of my furry and feathery friends.
Scanned images of manga-style line drawings (GIFS).
Random Rei Documents:
Stuff I wrote:
Rei's Anime
and Manga Page. Includes: Manga
descriptions, overviews, and summaries, random manga/anime lists, "what are manga and anime?", What hasn't been manga-fied?, and
the list of Cambridge/Boston manga/anime
A random thing about Ki (Chi, Qi, prana(?)) energy. What is "plus" Ki?
A random list of cool organisms.
Stuff about
keeping pet birds. Cockatiels and lovebirds, in particular. Feed your birds veggies!
A random list of truly evil things.
A few random thoughts on being a writer.
A random list of recent computer games that I've played, and what I
thought of 'em. Mostly non-PC fantasy RPG..
For those with nothing better to
read: Me. Plus my local
random favorite foods.
For those of you at MIT who like
to bitmap: Inessential
Bitmap, in HTML format! Also available in the SIPB Office and on
online help (olh).
CyberMUD." (My random text adventure game from 1994). By the way,
there IS a plot. It just starts about 1/3 of the way through....
Should I put my rejected stories here? Hmmmm....
Random Yummy Recipes. I think they're original. Check out my Tea-o-Death...
The World Wide
Web for the Clueless. Just in case, like me when I started, you don't
know netscape from apache.
Stats for these rei-related pages. I was just curious.... Here's 1 day's stats (this page got 237 connections via
Memoirs of MIT. Written in '92, and re-discovered in a forgotten corner of my account. Best understood if you've been here.
In defense of cynicism, and one way out of it.
Stuff I have that I didn't write, but which I either have a copy of or help maintain:
EIT. Have you been EITed lately?
The October 1992 MIT hack,
Cathedral of Our Lady of the All-Night Tool, had these Commandments.
Interested in self-defense? Here's the Ki
Society Homepage. The Ki Society teaches Ki-Aikido, a branch of
aikido which stresses inner strength, Ki (Chi) development, and mind
and body coordination. New links keep rolling in....
If you're interested in becoming a SIPB member, check out the SIPB Office Manual.
Fusion Technology. Contact Dr. Mallove at for more info.
The MIT Hack
Gallery. MIT's favorite pastime. Watch for new photos, new write
ups, and new hacks!
The one and only MIT SIPB home page, of which I am
a webmaster. I
maintain the MIT
Community-founded Commercial Sites page. For a while I did the stats.
Once upon a time, I did stuff for
the Official MIT home page. Useful MIT info, like how to apply.
I do occasional articles for EX, the new online Anime magazine.
Speaking of mags, I do some art for The Perl
Journal. Perl: The Swiss-Army Chainsaw of scripting languages. Yeah.
A long, random list of places to go:
Local stuff:
The MIT Anime Club. They're getting some cool links to other Anime sites!
Some local Anime images and stuff.
See Nick's brain.
nocturne's guide to making transparent color GIFs!
Link to mjbauer's home page. He has a page of his very own beer ratings.
I can't resist. Jeff Bigler's
list of viola
jokes. (Yes, I played the violin).
Alums! Keep up with current
events at MIT --- The Tech
(MIT's student newspaper). Read Shakespeare while you're there.
Useful publishing info for the WWW.
Derek's home
page has pointers to PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) info. Plus, MIT PGP and PGPfone.
Go through this MIT AI Lab
question parser (START)
to get to Jay Keyser's new poem.
Not MIT, but close enough. Boston skyline, updated
every minute, at Openmarket.
Not even in the country, but what
the heck; Monty's an alum.... Monty's OggSquish audio
storage format.
The wide, webbed world:
Spirituality - a
treasure trove: joy, caring, hope, intelligence, good writing, and
faith in action. Other spirituality and discernment resources: Discernment &
The Spiritual Path. Discernment. The Contenders' (extreme)
discernment. I don't agree with a lot of the previous, but some of it
has to be said and isn't said anywhere else. More
stuff, for those in need.
More Anime ("Venice")!
Plus, the "Anime homepage", the extensive Resource
List, or this one
at Berkeley. Maybe you're an anime fan near U of Mich.?
Oh, and here's mipepi's
anime stuff. rec.arts.anime resources list (where to buy!). Newer additions will go to my anime page.
The more fantasy I read, the more I like Tolkien.
I'm a Geek (vs
3!). You may be one, too. (Vers. 2, Vers. 1.) What
(MBTI) Type are you? (I'm an INTJ (+F, +P))
Old "new" stuff: NCSA's suggested Starting
Points for Internet Exploration. "What's Hot and
What's New with NCSA Mosaic has ended (1993-1996).
Search with EisGalaxy. And EINet Galaxy is cool, too. Can't forget Yahoo, either.
More searches: The Infoseek Search Service. Because
they insisted. Altavista. Other search places.
Resources Meta-Index at NCSA. Plus a WWW Catalog at a university in Geneva.
Henry Houh's list: Commercial Sites on the Web has moved here. Internic Directory
News online. GNN. CNN.
Pathfinder (Time, Life,
Money, etc). Boston
For you dino-freaks: Dinoinfo stuff
in Hawaii. Plus, Paleontology at
Berkeley! And their subway to
other museum-style servers.
Be a tourist with The Virtual Tourist. Or, visit Japan directly. Japan Infoweb. List of travel info.
Short, silly (alas slow)
animations at Kyushu
Institute of Design. Snazzy commercial ones: Click3X.
The Planet Earth Home Page.
Speaking of Earth, LL
Bean's Parksearch is cool. CNN's Environment page.
Intros to the Web. A WWW
Guide, and the Beginner's
guide to HTML
Mandelbrot! Nice graphics at U of Tennessee.
Yet another weather info server at MSU. Excellent movies. Intellicast has nice graphics.
Spelunkers! Check out caving stuff at Yale.
Neat astronomy pictures at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Defense Technical Information Web. The military isn't as fun as it used to be. But if you're bored and have the money, try flying jets (as in MiGs) in Moscow.
Perl Archive. Yay! Perl Man Page. Perl
writer Randal Schwartz's situation. The Perl Journal. This is !Perl: Tcl.
Fish! FINS (mostly marine) and Tropical Fish
Aquariums. Lots of detailed info!
Birds! Bird FAQ, a bird page and an aviary! Dr.
Pepperberg and Alex, the parrot who might be able to read someday.
Dutch Parrot Refuge. (Non sequitur: how homing pigeons might find
Books! Classic books
at Wiretap, author-search
(CMU) or title-search
(CMU) or Home
page for rgs. Read some classics while waiting for your compile
to crash. Or, be silly and find a MUD or two or three (wow). gprog.
Alife and reallife: Play with Avida, neural nets and artificial life (FAQ with neat
info and all sorts of anonymous ftp addresses). Real critters, MedHelp's library (for when critters get the better of you). More medical database stuff.. Self-help resource.
Typing Injury Archive. For an alternate to icky keyboards/mice,
try Datahands!
Wells Fargo Bank includes the (true)
Adventures of Wells Fargo: tales from the Old West. Speaking of money... check out FinanCenter for their useful web services.
Netrights: Keep up to date with
your changing rights on the Internet with the EFF's Alerts. What's up with the "Communications Decency Act"?
(Leahy's cool!). Speaking
of rights: 10
Big Myths about Copyright Explained. Copyright
You can make a difference. Non-Profit
Organizations, Nonprofit Resources
Catalogue, and the Internet
NonProfit Center. I like this list! Money's
charity search. Save
the Children. You can start at home, with your family.
The Virtual Garden. . A real online interactive
garden! Into mail-ordering plants?
See this list
or this one.
The Trellis - gardening links.
Greenpeace has been in the news lately. Read about the first Rainbow Warrior ship and its sinking in '85.
US Postal Service and Federal
Express. Find out postal rates and track packages.
Alpha, shareware
text-editing for the Mac. Unrelated: Squaresoft
hints, for when you're stuck in their Super Nintendo
Bandwidth Conservation Society: how to make images faster.
Thanks to the PC Week Labs server, Andrew Tong, Andrew
Gimblett, Peter
Olausson (my (future)
door), Michael Kim, Andrew Lee
Wooldridge, Ben Ward,
Erin Rosenthal, Liem
Bahneman, the
Brademan, the KAM,
Andrew Dagnall, Yahoo ('a Guide to WWW'), Nestor
Trillo, Neale
Grant, Ryan, and Tears Sine for listing
this as a recommended homepage! Hi, Bridget! Hi Henry!. My
once-manager Robert
Wells. (The game is listed at Andrew Plotkin's list
of games, wolfric's
Nexus tower and got 4 *s at Wave Reviews (8/95).
Maarten linked it in,
too...) Hey, I even made the 10/4/94 Cool Site of the Day. This
was a '94 Easter
Egg site (about 20 out of 74 people found it). Oh, and
thanks to Alex Beam of the Boston Globe and Wired Magazine (8/95) and the GNN fieldguide to
homepages, the Quality Directory's
Artists Page. Looks like I'm also at this SF/F art
gallery, and Steppin' Stones
Comments/suggestions about anything in this
homepage? Email me at Really! (Or, you can even
use a comment
on! Deo.